About the Journal
Journal Title: Research in Islamic Education and Training
Country of Publication: Iran, Qom.
Publisher: Farhangian University
Director-in-Charge: Sayed Aminullah Dadgar
Editor-in-Chief: Mahmoud Nozari
Subject Area: Islamic education and training
Format: Online
Start Year: 2020
Credit start date:2019- Farhangian University Publishing Specialist Council
Permission of the Ministry of Guidance: Yes. under registration number 92268, dated 2022/12/11
Print ISSN: 2783-2252
Online ISSN: 2783-2147
Frequency: Quarterly
Language: Persian, including English abstracts
Open Access: Yes, free access to articles
Article types: Research and review papers.
Primary Review: 10 days, approximately.
Peer Review Policy: Double-blind peer-review
Average refereeing time: 4-8 weeks
Acceptance percentage: 25%
Article Processing Charges: No
Citation Style: The APA referencing style.
Website: https://tarbiatmaaref.cfu.ac.ir/?lang=en
E-mail: Tarbiatmaaref@cfu.ac.ir
Gmail: J.E.T.maaref2024@gmail.com
Assignment of DOI code to articles: Yes. Articles have a doi code.
Indexing & Abstracting: ISSN-ROAD, Noormags, Magiran, Google Scholar, Academia, LinkedIn, Civilica, etc.
COPE: The journal of Research in Islamic Education and Training follows the policies and guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct in dealing with potential cases of misconduct.
Copyright: Authors retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.
Type of License: Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)
Required files to be uploaded: 4 essential files must be submitted through the manuscript submission system: 1. The main file of the manuscript (without the names of the authors), 2. Title page in the mentioned format, 3. Authorship form (must include the title of the article and the name and surname of all authors and be signed by all authors), 4. Conflicts of Interest form (must be signed by the Corresponding Author and uploaded with the article file).
Address: Qom - Taleghani Campus - Farhangian University
Pages 7-24
Meysam Sedaghatzadeh
Pages 25-44
Marzban Adibmanesh; Mohammad Reza Pashaei
Pages 45-62
S. Ahmad Rahnamaei
Pages 63-86
Mahdiyeh Keshani; Abazar Kafimosavi
Pages 87-100
Mohammadali Mlipoor