A Case Study of the 25th Verse in Surah al-Hadid on the Explanation of the Chapter “from Mine to Home” in the 7th Grade Science Book

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Islamic Studies, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran

2 Bachelor Student, Department of Experimental Science Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran


Blended and interdisciplinary education is one of the most important and effective methods in teaching. In this regard, the present research has studied blended teaching of experimental science lessons and the Noble Qur’an chapters using a descriptive-analytic method and qualitative approach. To this aim, first relevant experimental science lessons in physics, chemistry, biology, and experimental science books in 12 school grades were analyzed and then the mentioned Qur’anic verses in those curricula were extracted. Afterwards, some usable Qur’anic verses were extracted for teaching those lessons which had not used any verses from the Qur’an. Finally, the 25th verse of Surah al-Hadid was mentioned to explain the miracle of iron in the chapter of “from Mine to Home” in the 7th grade experimental science book. The case study of the 25th verse in Surah al-Hadid showed that the Qur’an has talked about iron and its features so science teaches at schools can use it for teaching chapter 5 (from Mine to Home) in the 7th grade science book to explain some issues such as how iron was created, features of its net material, its benefits, and so on to prove them by the Qur’anic verses within a section entitled “creation miracles in the Noble Qur’an”. Of course, it seems that the main challenge in this method is teachers’ mastery of teaching interdisciplinary courses and their dominance over an accurate interpretation of different aspects of the Noble Qur’an wonders. Therefore, if this method is adopted for teaching experimental science books, teachers should become familiar with Qur’anic discussions through some workshops so that they can answer their students’ questions in this regard. Moreover, the results showed that although experimental science books have mentioned a few verses as an introduction to some chapters, they were not enough and not chosen accurately. Experimental and Islamic science experts ought to pay more attention to the better explanation of the Qur’anic verses to familiarize students with the miracles of the Noble Qur’an.


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