The Process of Girls' Education to Accept Gender Roles in the School Educational System with an Approach to the Ideas of Āyatollāh Khāmene'i

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA, Hadith Sciences, Non-Profit University of Quran and Hadith, Qom, Iran

2 Fourth level, Qom seminary, Qom, Iran


The purpose of the present study is to review the process of girls' education to accept gender roles in the school educational system with an approach on the ideas of Āyatollāh Khāmene'i. The research method is descriptive-analytic and according to the results, the necessity of skill learning to play female gender roles in the school educational system is undeniable; therefore, schools ought to consider girls' gender education as one of the most important goals in their agenda. Preparation to accept gender roles is not feasible merely through explanation, justification, and curricular courses, but rather the process of education should be arranged with the cooperation of families at school so that the girls by the end of their school and the start of their youth would have become mentally and physically ready and capable to accept their roles by the essential skills they learned at school. The procedure of teaching some skills should start from the elementary school and for some other skills, it should begin from the secondary school and be stabilized therein.


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