Critical Analysis of the Role of Reason in Acquiring Religious Instructions from the Perspective of Tafkīk School (with Emphasis on the View of Āyatullāh Malikī Mīyānjī)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. student in Philosophy of Religion, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of the present study is the critical analysis of the role of reason in the intellectual doctrine ofMuhammad Bāqir Malikī Mīyānjī. The method of study is descriptive analysis and the results showed that the vacancy as a result of the incredibility of theoretical reason in acquiring theological instructions still remains in the philosophy of Malikī Mīyānjī. Furthermore, the concept of reason referred by him (practical reason) that involves inspiration and illumination can be a suitable means for the way of Kashf and Shuhūd (unveiling), not rational reasoning. Like many thinkers on the school of Tafkīk, he on the one hand, regards reason as a resource in religious instruction, and on the other hand, emphasizes on its lack of credit and authority. Malikī Mīyānjī considers illumination as a characteristic of reason and he has recourse to the Qur’anic verses and traditions to prove that as he assumes reason has features such as incorporeality, equality with science, innate authority, and correspondence with practical reason. He concludes that reason is an incorporeal light and an objective existence above human truth that is bestowed to a man by God. This view would lead to a gap between facts and rules and a result distrusting religious instruction.


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