A Survey of the Perception of Kant from Existence with Emphasis on Its Exposure to Sadrāīī Wisdom

Document Type : Original Article


PhD. in Islamic Philosophy, University of Isfahan; Graduated outside of jurisprudence and principles of the seminary of Qom, Iran.


The purpose of the present study is to answer Kant’s epistemological and ontological misconception with emphasis on the potentials of Sadr ul-Muta’allihīn’s philosophy. The method of study is descriptive analysis and in addition to making a comparison between the philosophy of Kant and Sadrā, it showed that if Sadrāīī philosophy had been transferred to the West, perhaps relativism would have adopted a different approach and could have led the history of human thinking to another direction. The results indicate that principles of Kant’s thinking have faced general criticisms but no philosophy with substantial and valid arguments has yet emerged against that. Philosophy of Sadrā is capable of challenging the intellectual doctrine of Kant to provide different answers about the existence and cognition. The method of cognition and science in Sadrāīī philosophy challenges Kantian belief in the priority of mind over objects. Sadra’s interpretation of the accident as an aspect of the substance, completes his criticism of Kant’s epistemology who recognized only the accidents of objects and not their substance as belonging to identification.


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